Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Continued Prayer Need

Please continue to pray with us as we are encountering some challenges in Michelle's pregnancy. Although everything appears great, and we keep getting lots of ultrasound pictures, we are definitely in need of prayer for faith and peace. Keep Michelle's health and the health of our son in your prayers! Thanks!

If I figure out how to get an ultrasound photo to scan and upload I'll share it on this Blog.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Where have we been?

Many of you might be wondering why this incredible blog hasn't been updated in 6 months. Okay, so maybe no one is concerned any more and you've stopped reading it.
We have been busy and I mean busy! Since the last post at Thanksgiving our world has changed. We are now expecting our first CHILD! A Boy!!!! This August.
There is a lot that has gone into our getting to this point and I will share that in brief below-

We found out 3 days before Christmas that we were pregnant and two weeks later that we were expecting twins. At 21 weeks we received the tragic news that one of the babies had not survived. This was an incredible shock and loss and we have been trying to move through the grieving process these last number of weeks while at the same time rejoicing over the health of our son. We want to thank all who were able to pray and comfort us. We are still grieving and never will be the same after what has happened.

That pretty much sums up the reason for our absence. There wasn't much to talk about before we were telling people and once we told people of the pregnancy it became very difficult to talk about. Sorry for anyone feeling left out. From now on this blog will have posts about our day to day lives as missionaries and a family returning to Austria.
